The Beauty of Street Photography
Some fantastic street photos from Smashing Magazine.
Further limiting the appeal of having children, now we find out that educational DVDs actually make the dumber? Damnit.
It's all been said.
If IKEA furnished the Oval Office, it'd be unamerican, but they'd probably serve lots of mediocre meatballs.
Russell's newest presentation. Smarty pants.
(by Jonah Lehrer)
a flickr set.
another flickr set.
Seriously, I kind of felt bad for all those ants. They're just merrily building their sweet ant fort and these asshole scientists dump a bunch of concrete down there. Cool to know and all, but jeez.
Seems like a big idea for stabilizing local economies. There's too much to wrap my head around here, but it does seem as though global networking could bring hyper-localized urban structures. More to come when I have more than 2 sentences.
Just wait til she starts singing. Doing Dallas proud, as usual.
St Vincent: Marry Me from on Vimeo.
How Far We've Come...
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