Don't be evil? How about you try to just not be a dick first?
Apparently, it's more important that they make me comment using my blogger account than for me to be able to link back to the blog platform I actually use (typepad). At least they've done all that work on blogger to make me want to come back since they bought it (wait, no they didn't) and it's easy to switch (wait, no it's not).
So the new google mantra, "We may not be evil, but we reserve the right to be assholes."
and yes, that would be legendary blogger Tim Jackson's comment area. I encourage you all to bug him to bug google.
Whoa, whoa, whoa... don't go dragging me into a fight with the Big G. I mean... they could completely erase how cool I am.. making me... well, kinda like you.
Paulette, I thought we talked about this stuff before; I'll cover your skinny ass in a bar fight any day, but I draw the line at Google, Microsoft and Kohl's (ok, not Kohl's... I'll go after them with you).
"Legendary"? Ok, if you say so.
Posted by: Tim Jackson | December 07, 2007 at 11:33 PM
I could be mistaken as I don't use blogger, but I believe it's actually a setting that the blogger is in control of.
I'd check the settings, I imagine it's something under the comment settings in terms of who you're allowing to comment (something like only allow google accounts or blogger accounts or something).
Posted by: Nathan Snell | December 08, 2007 at 11:10 AM
I was hoping to bring this up eventually. I'm glad you got to it first.
Posted by: Cam Beck | December 09, 2007 at 10:03 AM
Nathan - If that's true, then Google changed this setting on its own. My blogger blog changed how it behaved all on its own.
Posted by: Cam Beck | December 10, 2007 at 07:11 AM
Agree that it's a pain in the arse tho
Posted by: neilperkin | December 10, 2007 at 08:25 AM
I just wish their word verifications weren't longer than a nuclear launch code. ;-p
Posted by: bg | December 10, 2007 at 11:49 AM
I am so glad I have never used Blogger. Wordpress (because it's free) and Typepad for me.
Boy, I've never known anyone rich and powerful enough to not care about burning bridges like Google.
Posted by: MyStarbucks | December 11, 2007 at 07:00 AM
Hey Paul,
Charles Frith mentioned to me that Google has announced they are going to support Open ID which will mean we can list our own blog at least. ;)
Posted by: Sean Howard | December 11, 2007 at 06:24 PM
Tim- I'm totally dragging you into a fight with google. Don't worry, they don't know very much about you. Oh, shit...
Nathan- It might be, but they sure as hell didn't tell anybody using the platform when they changed it. I call BS. It's something google may have selfishly wanted, but probably not anybody actually using it.
Cam- We can high five for typepad!
NP- For shizzle. :)
Bill- I'm with you, man. They're barely legible.
Kristen- HAHA! Yeah, that's me. First Facebook, then Google! There goes my exit strategy. :)
Sean- Quit screwing up my google bitching! They offer me so little!
Posted by: Paul McEnany | December 11, 2007 at 08:57 PM
I'm quite miffed over this. Such BS.
Yeah, I'll take paying a whopping $8/monthly to give my users a nicer experience with Typepad than going the free-but-no-freedom route with Google's apps.
Posted by: CK | December 12, 2007 at 12:49 AM