Seriously, quit. I'm getting a little tired reading about ConnectU, and now some new jackass claiming to be the creator of facebook. At least the new guy just wants recognition, ConnectU wants a payday. Clearly, I'm ignorant when it comes to this kind of law, but if I want to open a grocery store, I'm pretty sure Walmart can't sue me for stealing their idea. Since when did we become so anti-competitive?
Okay, ConnectU, you might have had a similar idea to facebook, but your website looks like shit. Seriously, it's awful. Mark took the idea and made it work. You took the idea and made it suck. And no, there aren't any consolation prizes. In your face!
I am with you, Man. These people needing credit need instead a life.
Posted by: Lewis Green | September 04, 2007 at 08:42 AM