What happens when you cross the Flaming Lips with Mercury Rev and the Polyphonic Spree, then gorge them all on french toast, french fries and Labat Blue?
You get the confusingly named Malajube, pronounced as best as I can tell, Mal - uh - zhoob.
Pitchfork says,
"the inventive arrangements and zealous intensity of their second album make it difficult to countenance any suspicions of opportunistic hit-knitting. But their approach to indie rock is so resolutely of-the-moment that it seems filled with hyper-modern allusions. Malajube's music is labyrinthine, filled with multi-directional trapdoors-- some drop down to lower landings of the songs; some let out into realms recently conquered by other indie heroes (particularly of the Polaris Prize-nominated variety)."
To which I say,"huh?" Not that they're wrong, but it's just a long way of saying, "Hey man, I like those guys' music. They sound original!"
So, that's what I say. "Hey man, these guys kick ass, in an 'angry frenchmen, fuck you Bill O'reilly' sort of way, but happier."
Now, I must go smoke ze cigarette and put on ze black-and-white striped shirt and beret. Cause that's how I roll.
Listen to more over at the MySpace page.
Sorry, that Pitchfork review embodies everything I hate about music reviews. Ugh! Did you like the fucking music or not? Yes or no? Is it good? Do they rock or suck? Jeebus! Tha tjust makes me wanna throw flaming bags of poo at the reviewer... yes... POO! Argh!!!!!
I haven't even listened to the music yet and I'm ready to kill Pitchfork for that pompous and pretentious review...
Posted by: Tim Jackson | January 07, 2007 at 09:47 AM
I am SO waiting for a new pic in the upper left of your blog, beret, striped shirt and zig.
Come on! Time to walk the talk! ;)
Posted by: Sean Howard | January 07, 2007 at 01:02 PM
Tim- totally agreed, that guy is a total pompous ass. I fucking hate reviews like that, they give me tired head.
At least the music kicks ass, though.
And, Sean, we'll see, we'll see...
That seems like an involved process, the smokeing cigarettes part I've got covered, but the beret and striped shirt may be harder to pull off.
As a side note, I actually stole that picture from a friend of mine, James (the guy on the right). They made this punk band called Beret! that sings terrible french punk. It's pretty funny.
You can check them out at angryfrenchmen.com. Do it, do it.
Posted by: Paul McEnany | January 07, 2007 at 10:35 PM
J'adore Malajube! Merci pour l'article de fond!
And yeah...Pitchfork reviewers should remove a tine or two from their bootays.
Posted by: Megan | January 08, 2007 at 02:45 PM
Ummm, I think I'd like to request a translation. Anyone? Megan? Lil' help, please?
Posted by: Paul McEnany | January 08, 2007 at 10:18 PM
I just said I loved Malajube and thanked you for giving them some props. More people ought to do the same, methinks.
Posted by: Megan | January 09, 2007 at 09:12 PM
Ah, well thank you for the thank you. :)
And, they kick ass. Lots of it...
Posted by: Paul McEnany | January 10, 2007 at 09:18 PM
fucking overrated
Posted by: Mike | November 18, 2008 at 09:06 PM